Extremity Braces

Extremity Braces

Upper Extremity:

  • Fracture management: braces are often prescribed as an alternative to a traditional cast or may be used to provide continued support after surgical intervention.
  • Positional devices: In this scenario, braces are used to position the arm, hand or digits for a specific task. For example, holding the thumb out so a pencil can be grasped or they may be used to manage contractures.

Lower Extremity:

Braces to support lower extremities are used for the following:

  • Fracture or injury management: a brace may serve to support a dislocated hip or stabilize a fracture when a cast or surgery is not optimal
  • Stabilization: preventing unwanted or uncontrolled motion in neurological or orthopedic conditions
  • Protection: braces serve to stabilize loose ligaments or arthritic joints to reduce pain and promote normalized walking
  • Positioning: In this scenario, braces are used to position the limb to prevent a contracture or manage wounds.