Cranial remolding helmets are used to gently reshape the head while an infant grows. Whether your child has a disproportionate or asymmetric head, there is a solution for your child between 4 and 18 mos of age.
A helmet does not push the head back in, rather discourages growth in the unwanted areas and promotes growth in the flattened areas. It is similar to how braces shift teeth slowly and gently over time.
Adapt uses a non-invasive 3D camera impression system that accurately captures the deformity. From that image, a unique helmet is created that will serve to reshape the head over time. Results are optimal in younger children (6 mos is an ideal time to begin) as there is much growth that can be harnessed in a relatively short amount of time.
During your treatment, your provider will assess the fit and function of your child’s helmet. Changes are made to direct optimally direct future growth and hold existing bossed regions.
Helmets are provided on a flat fee service. You won’t be charged every time you walk in the office. Treatment generally takes 3-6 mos, but varies depending on the infants age and severity of asymmetry.
Adapt uses the Starband family of cranial remolding helmets. Over 600,000 infants have been successfully treated with this system. Providing helmets requires a specialized education and certification beyond the typical orthotist credentialing and Mary has 16 years experience providing helmets. There is a short window of time for treatment. Accuracy and experience matter.